Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Double Trouble!!

Which one would you choose if you are to choose between a single big can of beer and two small medium cans of beer? i will choose 2 medium cans.So, two smalls are preferred to one big.
But,this will definitely not suit in all the cases.At times ,one is forced to have a single one.I realized this truth on the most important day (or night?) of my life.;-)

Though it was quite an enjoyable one,i(we) will not prefer it all the time:-).I had to apply my adaptability to react to the situation and make the most of it.I really wish to talk about it here .;-) But the situation is not so conducive to put it in words now. Ask me how.

It's good to have something different than the typical ones.Just like when you have a very long waiting time in the transit and you get a chance to do some cool things in that time.

Of course,it is not everyday that you get to do different things.

1 comment:

Shuba said...

you would better not have written this blog...

'coz didnt make sense to me