Monday, July 03, 2006

God!How i wish i could fly like Superman!

You ask anybody who has gone through the agonizing Bangalore traffic jams,they wouldn't agree more with the title.

Boy!! What a movie!!I had been waiting to watch this movie ever since i saw the news of its production.We could not wait longer to watch this movie.If we plan it for the weekend ,i was sure we will not be able to get the tickets soon.Whole of Bangalore is in the multiplexes, and want to spend the evening watching any movie,how much ever crap it is.Of course,i am one of them.

So,we decided to hit it on friday evening,the release day itself.We could get the tickets luckily.When i went inside the hall,i wanted to forget myself and go back to my sunday evening times of my school days.I used to watch the Superman cartoon and so mesmerized with the famous dialog"It's a bird,It's a plane..No,it'ssssss Superman!!!"..(Whistle,Whistle!!!)

That exactly happened with the movie .It not only brought back the memories,but it was so enthralling also.I do not know who did the casting .But Brandon Routh as a superman is THE perfect choice .He just fits in that famous undy-on-top:-) outfit of Superman so perfectly.He oozes grace in every movement of his.I know i should control my adjectives here ,or i am in a danger of being doubted about my orientation;-) .

I just love the way he flies!! There are no sudden jerks or thumpings in his flight or landings.He just glides down like a feather when he touches the ground.It is simply amazing.The man who conceived these ideas must had been a real kid at heart.

Though the movie is extravagant et al,the action sequences are a bit less compared to the Spiderman-II.

I heard the superman's action scenes can be seen with 3-D effects in IMAX theaters.I want to try even that.In my life ,i have never seen a 3-D film so far.As i say usually,go watch it in a good movie hall,i am sure you'd love it.


Anonymous said...

Even I enjoyed the movie as you did, except there were few people who werent patient enough to watch the last 10mins of senti scenes. It was quite irritating becoz of the various wild sounds they made. Unfortunately the same crowd would enjoy the tragic and senti scenes in indian movies.

Shuba said...

Geez, Superman is much better than spiderman 1 and 2.... Ofcourse he is more powerful than Spiderman.

Go see it in PVR (Forum) ..amazing with 3D effects. Bryan Singer made it impeccably brilliant.