Friday, November 12, 2004

Tale of the twin leaders

Two leaders made into the headlines of the media this week.One of them attracted the world's attention and the other one attracted the indian media.

The first man is Yasir Arafat.The way i see his life,he was the chief and godfather of the Palestinians(is that how they are called?)for more than 30 years.He held a strange record of surviving most number of murder attempts.For any leader in such position,natural death is really an achievement and a rarest one.

Whatever his stands on the Middle east issue,there is no doubt that he was a great leader and was the man to look upon whenever Palestinian people had any issue.I doubt whether there is any fitting and natural heir for him in PA.

Talking about leaders,Arafat was also a great orator and used to deliver several spell bound speaches.One of his notorious speaches was his addressing of UN,roaring 'I have come here with gun in one hand as a fighter and an Olive branch in the other as a peace negotiator.Please do not make me drop the Olive branch'.
I see oratorial power as a common factor among all the famous( and infamous too) leaders.One interesting exemption in that list is Mahatma Gandhi,i think.Though his writings were great,i do not see anybody remembering him for his oratorial skills.It takes amazing will power and inborn leadership qualities to be a leader.I am sure Arafat had it through out his life.

The Israel and Palestinian dispute is easily looked over as 'Middle east dispute' these days.Hope the peace is restored in that region soon enough.Because,the people in that region have paid a lot for that.

Now,the second one is Shankara Mutt's spiritual leader, HH Jayandhra Saraswathi.He has been detained by TamilNadu police in connection with a murder.It is very clear to even a common man, that he will be out of this case with elan.Such is his influence in the Indian politics.

I do not hold anything against him.But,a spiritual leader landing up in jail is not a welcoming event.This may raise serious doubts in the minds of the 'not so serious followers' of him.That is because,he already raised many eyebrows some 10 years back,by walking out of the mutt abruptly.

As a well wisher,i would love to see him out of this case and stay away from the politics and involve more in the spiritual activities.

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