After quite a long time, i am writing this with a mixed emotions of sorrow,guilt and a little happiness.
Sorrow is mainly because of the Tsunami devastations in the whole of Asia.Particularly in the places that are close to my heart.Whenever mankind feel proud about their achievements and their ignorance that they can control everything,the mother nature decides to give us a lesson.But this is an act of nature that really raises a question that should she be called as Mother even after so much brutality.
There are billions of people all over the world that earn their livelihood from the sea.People call sea as "Kadalamma" in Tamil ,calling as mom.I wonder any mom would do such an adversity to any of her children.
As usual,there are many allegations on whose mistake it is.Whether the Met department was lethargic to take the warnings seriously or the concerned minister,Kapil Sipal,failed to send the warning messages to the respective places.The devastation is done already and its our duty to give the victims moral and financial support.Financial support is flowing in thanks to the millions of kind hearts.Most importantly,the victims need moral support so that they should start believing themselves that they can rebuild their life and stand on their foot from this disaster.
All said and done,i think this is also an act of nature's kindness on her children.Why because,the tremor that shook the ocean was 9 Richter scaled and prolonged for quite a good seconds.Experts say that the geographical positions of many islands throughout Asia have moved a few feet.It has also been found out that the power this quake inside the ocean is few hundred times greater than the massive earthquake of Iran last year.If this much strong quake had hit the land instead of the sea,I do not think there would have been any single survivor at all throughout Asia.The death toll would have gone in millions.So,i think we should think this as a blessing in disguise.
My guilt is that i am not able to be there physically among the volunteers to comfort the victims,when it is needed most.Though i did some financial contribution,i still do not have that satisfaction that i did my bit too.
So,i salute those pure souls who are there at the coastal regions helping the victims.They are all messengers of God to these victims.
I sincerely pray that this new year gives those victims will and courage to rise from the ashes.And also,hope that nature does justification for the name Mother from this new year on.
This is not the right time to tell about my happy news.I will keep that for the next post.May God save us all.
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